Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Road Trip

I'm leaving tomorrow on a road trip to raise funds for the Mission. I bought a motorhome (since I don't own a home any more!), and I'm driving it to Louisiana and places in between. The organizing congregation of the mission is in Slidell - across Lake Pontchatrain from New Orleans. I'm giving a presentation on this Sunday in Boulder, Colorado, at the Trinity Lutheran Church. My friends, Don and Karen Lamprecht, set that up for me. Thanks, Don & Karen! I'm looking forward to seeing them. The weather has been great for the last few days, and most of their snow has melted. This area of the country had snow very early - the first week of October. But in the usual fashion, it has melted already. It's supposed to be 70 deg. tomorrow. A great day to start a road trip! I don't know when I'll have Internet access again. I plan to spend the night tomorrow at Walmart in Casper, Wyoming. But, I will catch up with you again. Please pray that I have safe travels.


  1. Have fun Mom! Be safe and good luck with your presentations.
    <3 bek

  2. what is this motorhome stuff. you should be in horse and buggy. teehee

  3. hey i textes ya and no answer. waddup with dat.
