Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Trinity Lutheran Church presentation in Boulder

I had a wonderful time visiting Don and Karen at their home near Nederland, CO, and on Sunday, I gave a presentation to their church in Boulder. It was at Trinity Lutheran Church, and they had a lot of interest in the mission. I want to thank Don and Karen, Pastor Mark, and all of them for giving me the opportunity to speak to them. Stan Olsen, a Mission Board member from Anchorage, also was there. He had been visiting his brother in Denver and came up for the presentation. Thanks, Stan. He brought me one of the filters that we are taking to the Kuwaa people. I'm impressed that it is so small. It will be easy to carry. And, it removes bacteria, cryptosporidium, and giardia. It's approved by the EPA. I want to buy one for myself. We will take the filters with us and use them while we're there. We have 100 to distribute. That will go a long way towards keeping people healthy. Such a simple thing! It's called a Sawyer Point One filter, and it uses membrane technology.

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