Friday, January 1, 2010

Be thankful for your water

I appreciate our good water in the US even more than ever now. A nice shower at the end of a hot, sweaty day feels like heaven. Here in Monrovia, most people don't have running water. They get about 2 jugs of water a day from a community well. We took a photo of one. They have to pay for the water, and they have to haul it. They also have water towers downtown where vendors come to fill similar jugs and deliver them with a cart. Here, where we are staying at the Lutheran Church in Liberia Guest House, they have a reservoir on the roof that gravity feeds to the bathrooms. Usually, the water runs out about mid-day, so we fill a plastic water container and dip out of it. We pour the cool water on ourselves with a pitcher to get a shower. It takes some getting used to a cold shower, but after the heat of the day, it feels good. When we go to the Kuwaa region, they don't even have well water. They bathe in the rivers and ponds. At the end of the dry season, which goes from November to April, the puddles get pretty dirty. They also harbor disease. When I come back from there, I will even appreciate Monrovia water!

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