Sunday, January 24, 2010

Distributing Water Filters

We visited 13 villages in the Kuwaa Chiefdom, or Belle District of Liberia, over a 2 week period. They don't have road access, so we walked.
We distributed about 90 of the 100 Sawyer Point One Water filters that we brought over. Most of these people do not have any clean drinking water available. They drink directly from the stream, which is, of course, contaminated. These filters are membranes and they remove parasites and bacteria, making it safe to drink. The people were so happy to receive them! Thanks to all of you who donated towards them! One filter has the potential to save many lives. If you didn't have the chance to donate towards the purchase of one, please see the item about donations on the blog - there's still time! We hope to bring them more.
In the mornings, we would have meetings in the center of town, in a "palava". They have a formal type of meeting process, with introductions of the chief, the elders, and us, the guests. They presented us with a "white heart" gift, to honor us. This was a coin, some kola nuts that they chew, and sometimes a live chicken. We also presented them with a white heart gift. Then, they told us their news in the town, and we told them what brought us there. We helped them assemble a filter and then used it. We used these filters for our own drinking water during our trek.

1 comment:

  1. Cindy, what's next on your agenda? I know you are still there for awhile, will you go back to the village? Enjoy some pizza and air cool!
    Thanks for the updates, can't wait to see ALL the pictures when you get faster internet :)
