Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Water Well Plans

We are making plans to return to 2 villages to install water wells for them. During our assessment trek, we found that 8 of the 13 villages we visited do not have a well. Of the 5 that do have wells, 4 have wells that are not working! Oh, the people need so much help.
We currently have funds for only 2 wells, so we have selected Gbeliekei and Lowuma. The villagers in Lowuma have taken it upon themselves to build a clinic and a toilet. They have no well, so we want to put one in for them. The villagers will dig the well to about 45 ft by hand. We are bringing a well expert from Monrovia. There is no road into the area, so we will bring materials to the end of the road, and the villagers will have to carry the materials on their heads along the forest paths. It will take them about 8 to 10 hours one way. We have a total of 50 sacks of cement, two hand pumps, tools, and various accessories. We are having trouble arranging transportation to the end of the road. The cost is outrageous, and we don't want to use all the funds for transportation. Please pray that we find something reasonable. The price is high due to the condition of the road. There are numerous log bridges to cross, and only a pickup or Land Cruiser can make it. So, we're looking at about 5 trips from Monrovia.


  1. We will be praying for all of you. Keep up the good job and may God grant you what you want.
