Thursday, December 24, 2009

Change of Plans

Mother Nature doesn't always keep our plans in mind. She changed ours on Tuesday. We went up to the airport for a 9:10 am flight, but the airport was fogged in. We didn't get out, so they re-routed us. Actually, it's the same routing, but different timing. We leave today (12/24) at 1:15 pm, go through Minneapolis, and get to Brussels at 2:15 pm on Christmas Day. We have 2 days in Brussels and then fly to Monrovia on 12/27.

The lemons became lemonaide, if you ask me. Christmas in Brussels? Not bad at all. And 2 days to recuperate from that flight before getting on the next one. I like that, too. And the best part was having 2 days at home when everything was already done! A two-day staycation. I made Christmas sugar cookies, had friends over for dinner, Bekki decorated the gingerbread house, and we played Quiddler. I cleaned the house, too, which felt good. I hate to leave a messy house.

The weather looks good for a departure today - darn good, with a temperature close to zero F.


  1. Hey Cindy(and Bekki), its Mike. Just checking on the ol' blog. Hope you guys made it over there safely and had a good holiday. I was thinking of you guys on Christmas.

    Are those APPLE O's?!?! Man that thing looks delicious ;) I made one with Erica and her kids but we had a structural failure(the roof slid off and peppermints fell inside.)

    I hope you can update this from time to time, I'd like to know whats going on. Anyway, stay safe and I'll keep checking back. I miss you guys :)

  2. Thanks for thinking of us, Mike! We miss you, too. I wish we could have helped you with the structural failure, we have quite a bit of practice with those things. I am glad you are finally cooking/baking with the girls! (Bekki) No, they aren't apple O's. I wish the were... You know how Mom likes to buy candy that only she likes so that I don't eat it. This is especially true at Halloween and Christmas. haha.
    ok it's cindy on again. bekki typed that slanderous stuff about me and the candy. but i guess it's true.

  3. ha well it still looks better than ours, lol. And yeah, I should have known better on the choice of candy, I guess I forgot about that. I got your text message or whatever that thing was but I couldn't respond to it.
