Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Greetings from Monrovia!

We are here in Monrovia, staying at the Lutheran Church in Liberia (LCL) Compound. We arrived on Sunday night from Brussells. We haven't had good internet access, so I'm sorry that I haven't posted for a few days. I'll keep this short to be sure that it gets posted, and then I'll try to add more. Things are going fine. We are trying to get acclimated to the heat and trying to rest up after the trip. We're still not sleeping well at night due to jet lag. So, it's good that we have this time before we head off to the Kuwaa forest. Our Liberian guide, Chris Kowula, met us at the airport. He is the pastor to the Kuwaa people and will be leading us on the trek through the 16 Kuwaa villages.
I'll post this now, before the Internet fails! and, I'll try to get you some photos soon.
Cindy & Bekki

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